Friday, October 24, 2008

Economy is going down, everyone's asking what to do now and what's going to happen. One of the issues that is a big concern is what's going to happen with electricity, water, gas and overally with all of these bills. I don't know what the presidential candidates will actually do. I know what they propose, but will they really do it? Not only for that but because people is wasting a lot of energy every single day I wanted to see if there was a way to save energy just following a few single steps at home. I think these steps were really easy to implement and I hope you can use them.

10 Easy Steps to Save Energy & Money
From theLowell GREEN Building Commission

1) Turn off the lights, and unplug any unused appliance, they still use a lot of energy even when
not in use. (Savings of $12 a year)

2) put a sleep feature on computers and printers to shut down after 5 minutes of no use (save $22 a year)

3) Replace incandescent light bulbs with Energy efficient florescent bulbs. (Savings of $8 a year per bulb including cost of the bulb)

4) Install water efficient fixtures. A duel-flush toilet saves 15,000 gal. /year. Replace 4 faucets and 2 shower heads (save $255 a year)

5) Turn off or turn down the heat or air conditioning when at work or bedtime. (Savings as much as 30% off your energy bill)

6) Pull down your storm windows or seal with plastic in winter. Replace weather stripping. (Save as much as 40% off of your energy bill)

7) Seal holes and cracks in your basement with expandable foam or silicon caulking. Insulate hot water pipes and heating ducts in the basement. (Save $50 a year including cost of materials)

8) Insulate your basement perimeter, basement ceiling, and attic. Get a free home energy audit from KEYSPAN to find the critical areas in your home. (Save $225 a year including cost of materials)

9) Get or give a ride to a friend. Take a public transportation. (Save $1 for each 5 miles not driven if you drive an average car).

10) Recycle. If Lowell were to recycle 20-25% more, we could save $1million/year that could be used for further improvements in our community.

From: (

I know $12 a year doesn't sound like a lot, but combined with everything else is pretty much something to start with. Not only for the bad economic moment the world is going through but also for the moment the earth is facing as a matter of wasting energy issues. Save energy is really important right now, if we don't start with $12 a year or with something there won't be anything left for future generations.

I posted on this blog a few programs I've found useful to increase savings by other step by step ghuides that show how to create your own electricity, make renewable energy systems and save on electricity bills.
Some ways I found to easily save energy:

Stop paying a lot for the electricity bill, make your own electricity with renewable energy methods. Create electricity from your own Backyard.
Renewable Energy Solution

Slash your electricity bill by 80% or even eliminate it completely.
Home Made Energy

Make your own power plant and get bills for only $3. See how ordinary people has made it, video testimonials of how it works.
Make Your Own Power Plant

the electrical companies keep increasing your bills? Quickly learn easy and inexpensive ways to use Wind and Solar energy to your advantage.
Free Energy Options
So in summary, is not only the economy right now, is to save energy for everything, for the future, for our kids, for everyone. I love to use energy, I spend a lot of time on my computer, watching TV and after these steps I realize I was wasting energy as no one else. We all know how much wasting anergy is affecting the market, we know that is hard not too use as much energy as we do right now. But perhaps if we think again we can give our kids a better future, a better planet and leave some energy for them.
I don't know too much about fuel conversion, but while researching for saving energy methods I found this and it could be really useful.

Modify your car to save gas using water.

Have a cleaner, more efficient engine using water for gas.
Run Your Car On Water

Save energy, convert your car to electric.
Build Your Own Electric Car